Maximise the resilience of vulnerable species to the impacts of climate change and climate variability by reducing other pressures, including poor water quality
Research priorities:
- Improve our understanding of the consequences of climate change for the health and resilience of vulnerable freshwater, coastal and marine species, and ecosystems.
- Develop practical, cost-effective, climate change adaptation options that are accessible to the managers of coastal and marine ecosystems and their catchments.
- Identify practical.
Research projects:
Round 1
Project 2.1
Assessing the cumulative impacts of climatic disturbances on inshore GBR coral reefs, identifying key refuges and testing the viability of manipulative reef restoration
Project 2.2
A tradable permit scheme for cost effective reduction of nitrogen runoff in the sugarcane catchments of the Great Barrier Reef
Round 2
Project 2.2.1
Identifying the water quality and ecosystem health threats to the high diversity Torres Strait and far northern GBR from runoff from the Fly River
Project 2.2.2
Impacts of mine derived pollution on Torres Strait environments and communities
Project 2.2.3
Early warning systems to minimize the risk of box jellyfish stings by empowering stakeholders