The National Environmental Science Program (NESP) is a long-term commitment to support environmental and climate research. The key objective of the NESP is to improve our understanding of Australia’s environment through collaborative research that delivers accessible results and informs decision making. The focus of NESP is on practical and applied research that informs on-ground action and that will yield measurable improvements to the environment.
The Program will build on its predecessors – the National Environmental Research Program and the Australian Climate Change Science Program – in securing for decision makers the best available information to support understanding, managing and conserving Australia’s environment.
The NESP is delivered through multi-disciplinary research Hubs or consortia, hosted by Australian research institutions.
The $142.5 million NESP is being delivered through six research hubs:
- The Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub supports environmental quality in urban areas with funding of $8.88 million through the University of Melbourne, led by Associate Professor Kirsten Parris.
- The Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub is furthering our understanding of the drivers of Australia’s climate with funding of $23.9 million through the CSIRO, led by Professor David Karoly.
- The Marine Biodiversity Hub is researching Australian oceans and marine environments, including temperate coastal water quality and marine species, with funding of $23.88 million through the University of Tasmania, led by Professor Nic Bax.
- The Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub is supporting the sustainable development of our northern landscapes with funding of $23.88 million through Charles Darwin University, led by Professor Michael Douglas.
- The Threatened Species Recovery Hub is supporting the management of threats and improving recovery of threatened species with funding of $29.98 million through the University of Queensland, led by Professor Brendan Wintle.
- The Tropical Water Quality Hub is researching coastal water quality and coastal management focused on the Great Barrier Reef and other tropical waters with funding of $31.98 million through the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, led by Dr Damien Burrows.