Theme 1: Direct Interventions in the Marine Environment
Project 5.1
Matching the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Integrated Pest Management to the scale of the new Control Program
Dr David Westcott, CSIRO
Theme 2: Informing Reef Management in a Post-Bleaching/Increased Cyclone Frequency World
Project 5.2
From exposure to risk: Novel experimental approaches to analyse cumulative impacts and determine thresholds in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA)
Dr Sven Uthicke, AIMS
Project 5.3
Benthic light as ecologically-validated GBR-wide indicator for water quality: Drivers, thresholds and cumulative risks
Dr Barbara Robson, AIMS
Project 5.4
Deriving ecologically relevant targets to meet desired ecosystem condition for the Great Barrier Reef: A case study for seagrass meadows in the Burdekin region
Dr Catherine Collier, JCU
Project 5.5
Measuring aesthetic and experience values using Big Data approaches
Prof Susanne Becken, GU
Project 5.6
Designing the Aesthetics Long Term Monitoring Program (ALTMP)
Dr Matt Curnock, CSIRO
Project 5.7
Assessment and communication of the spatial variability in bleaching severity throughout the Great Barrier Reef following back-to-back bleaching events in 2016 & 2017
Neal Cantin, AIMS
Theme 3: Improving Water Quality Emanating from Catchments
Project 5.8
What’s really damaging the Reef? Tracing the origin and fate of the environmentally detrimental sediment and associated bioavailable nutrients
Dr Stephen Lewis, JCU
Project 5.9
Gully remediation effectiveness
Dr Rebecca Bartley, CSIRO
Project 5.10
Development and application of automated tools for high resolution gully mapping and classification from LiDAR data
Assoc Prof Andrew Brooks, GU
Project 5.11
Improved water quality outcomes from on-farm nitrogen management
Prof Mike Bell, UQ
Project 5.12
Scoping land use conversion options for high DIN risk, low-lying sugarcane areas in Burdekin and Mackay Whitsunday regions
Dr Nathan Waltham, JCU
Project 5.13
Coastal wetland systems repair across GBR catchments – values based causal framework validation
Dr Nathan Waltham, JCU
Project 5.14
Identifying the water quality and ecosystem health threats to the Torres Strait from the Fly River runoff
Jane Waterhouse / Dr Simon Apte, JCU
Project 5.15
eAtlas extension: Data management for environmental research
Dr Eric Lawrey, AIMS