Project 3.1.1Pratchett M.S., Cowan Z-L., Nadler L.E., Caballes C.F., Hoey A.S., Messmer V., et al. (2017) Body size and substrate type modulate movement by the western Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster solaris. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0180805.
Project 3.1.1Wilmes, J.C., Hoey, A.S., Messmer, V., Pratchett, M.S. (2019) Incidence and severity of injuries among juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs Vol 38
Project 3.1.1Pratchett, M.S., Cumming, G.S. (2019) Managing cross-scale dynamics in marine conservation: Pest irruptions and lessons from culling of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster spp.). Biological Conservation Vol 238, October 2019, 108211.
Project 3.1.1Westcott, D.A., Fletcher, C.S., Kroon, F.J. et al. (2020) Relative efficacy of three approaches to mitigate Crown-of-Thorns Starfish outbreaks on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Scientific Reports 10, 12594.
Project 3.1.1Kroon, F.J., Lefèvre, C.D., Doyle, J.R. et al. (2020) DNA-based identification of predators of the corallivorous Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) from fish faeces and gut contents. Scientific Reports, 10, 8184.
Project 3.1.1Ling S.D., Cowan Z.-L., Boada J., Flukes E.B., Pratchett M.S. (2020) Homing behaviour by destructive crown-of-thorns starfish is triggered by local availability of coral prey. Proc. R. Soc. B. 28720201341
Project 3.1.2Wang, E., Attard, S., Everingham, Y., Philippa, B., Xiang, W. (2018) Smarter irrigation management in the sugarcane farming system using Internet of Things. Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technology, Vol 40.
Project 3.1.2Wang, E., Attard, S., McGlinchey, M., Xiang, W, Philippa, B., Linton, A.L., Everingham, Y., (2019) Smarter irrigation scheduling in the sugarcane farming system using the Internet of Things. International Sugar Journal, 6 June 2019, 121 (1446): 440-444.
Project 3.1.2Wang, E., Attard, S., McGlinchey, M., Xiang, W, Philippa, B., Linton, A.L., Everingham, Y., (2019) Smarter irrigation scheduling in the sugarcane farming system using the Internet of Things. Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technology, Vol 41.
Project 3.1.2Wang, E., Attard, S., Linton, A.L., McGlinchey, M., Xiang, W, Philippa, B., Everingham, Y., (2020) Development of a closed-loop irrigation system for sugarcane farms using the Internet of Things. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol 172, May 2020, 105376.
Project 3.1.4Cook-Patton, S.C., Leavitt, S.M., Gibbs, D. et al. (2020) Mapping carbon accumulation potential from global natural forest regrowth. Nature 585, 545–550.
Project 3.1.5Mercurio, P., Eaglesham, G., Parks, S., Kenway, M., Beltran, V., Flores, F., Mueller, J.F., Negri, A.P. (2018) Contribution of transformation products towards the total herbicide toxicity to tropical marine organisms.Scientific Reports 8: 4808.
Project 3.1.5McKenzie, M.R., Templeman, M.A., Kingsford, M.J. (2020) Detecting effects of herbicide runoff: The use of Cassiopea maremetens as a biomonitor to hexazinone. Aquatic Toxicology Vol 221, April 2020, 105442.
Project 3.1.5Negri, A.P., Smith, R.A., King, O., Frangos, J., St. J. Warne, M., Uthicke, S. (2020) Adjusting Tropical Marine Water Quality Guideline Values for Elevated Ocean Temperatures. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 1102−1110
Project 3.1.5Thomas, M.C., Flores, F., Kaserzon, S. et al. (2020) Toxicity of ten herbicides to the tropical marine microalgae Rhodomonas salina. Scientific Reports 10, 7612.
Project 3.1.5Thomas, M.C., Flores, F., Kaserzon, S. et al. (2020) Toxicity of the herbicides diuron, propazine, tebuthiuron, and haloxyfop to the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri. Scientific Reports 10, 19592.
Project 3.2.1Bainbridge, Z., Lewis, S., Bartley, R., Fabricius, K., Collier, C., Waterhouse, J., Garzon-Garcia, A., Robson, B., Burtond, J., Wenger, A., Brodie, J. (2018) Fine sediment and particulate organic matter: A review and case study on ridge-to-reef transport, transformations, fates, and impacts on marine ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol 135, October 2018, pages 1205-1220.
Project 3.2.1Collier, C.J., Carter, A.B., Rasheed, M., McKenzie, L., Udy, J., Coles, R., Brodie, J., Waycott, M., O’Brien, K.R., Saunders, M., Adams, M., Martin, K., Honchin, C., Petus, C. Lawrence, E. (2020) An evidence-based approach for setting desired state in a complex Great Barrier Reef seagrass ecosystem: A case study from Cleveland Bay. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators Vol 7, September 2020, 100042.
Project 3.2.2Gooch, M., Curnock, M., Dale, A., Gibson, J., Hill, R., Marshal, N., Molloy, F., Vella, K. (2017) Assessment and Promotion of the Great Barrier Reef’s Human Dimensions Through Collaboration. Coastal Management Vol 45, 2017 Issue 6 pp 519-537.
Project 3.2.3Scott, N., Le, D., Becken, S., Connolly, R.M. (2019) Measuring perceived beauty of the Great Barrier Reef using eye-tracking technology. Current Issues in Tourism
Project 3.2.3Le, D., Scott, N., Becken, S., Connolly, R.M. (2019) Tourists’ aesthetic assessment of environmental changes, linking conservation planning to sustainable tourism development. Current Issues in Tourism
Project 3.2.4Marshall, N., Marshall, P., Curnock, M., Pert, P., Smith, A., Visperas, B. (2018) Identifying indicators of aesthetics in the Great Barrier Reef for the purposes of management. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0210196.
Project 3.3.1Baird, M.E., Mongin, M., Rizwi, F., Bay, L.K., Cantin, N.E., Morris, L.A. and Skerratt, J. (2021) The effect of natural and anthropogenic nutrient and sediment loads on coral oxidative stress on runoff-exposed reefs Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol 168: 112409
Project 3.3.1Morris, L.A., Voolstra, C.R., Quigley, K.M., Bourne, D.G., Bay, L.K. (2019) Nutrient Availability and Metabolism Affect the Stability of Coral-Symbiodiniaceae Symbioses. Trends in Microbiology
Project 3.3.2Waltham, N.J., Burrows, D., Wegscheidl, C., Buelow, C., Ronan, M., Connolly, N., Groves, P., Marie-Audas, D., Creighton, C., Sheaves, M. (2019) Lost Floodplain Wetland Environments and Efforts to Restore Connectivity, Habitat, and Water Quality Settings on the Great Barrier Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00071
Project 3.3.2Adame, M.F., Arthington, A.H., Waltham, N., Hasan,S., Selles, A., Ronan, M. (2019) Managing threats and restoring wetlands within catchments of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Project 3.3.2Adame, M.F., Franklin, H. Waltham, N.J., Rodriguez, S., Kavehei, E., Turschwell, M.P., Balcombe, S.R., Kaniewska, P., Burford, M.A., Ronan, M. (2019) Nitrogen removal by tropical floodplain wetlands through denitrification. Marine and Freshwater Research
Project 3.3.2Waltham, N.J., Elliott, M., Lee, S.Y., Lovelock, C., Duarte, C.M., Buelow, C., Simenstad, C., Nagelkerken, I., Claassens, L., Wen, C.K-C., Barletta, M., Connolly, R.M., Gillies, C., Mitsch, W.J., Ogburn, M.B., Purandare, J., Possingham, H. and Sheaves, M. (2020) UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030 – What Chance for Success in Restoring Coastal Ecosystems? Frontiers in Marine Science 7:71.
Project 3.3.2Waltham, N.J., Coleman, L., Buelow, C., Fry, S., Burrows, D. (2020) Restoring fish habitat values on a tropical agricultural floodplain: Learning from two decades of aquatic invasive plant maintenance efforts. Ocean & Coastal Management Vol 198, 1 December 2020, 105355.
Project 3.3.2Stewart-Sinclair P. J., Purandare J., Bayraktarov E., Waltham N., Reeves S., Statton J., Sinclair E.A., Brown B.M., Shribman Z.I., Lovelock C.E.(2020) Blue Restoration – Building Confidence and Overcoming Barriers. Frontiers in Marine Science, 15 September 2020.
Project 3.3.2Gilby, B.L., Weinstein, M.P., Baker, R. et al. (2020) Human Actions Alter Tidal Marsh Seascapes and the Provision of Ecosystem Services. Estuaries and Coasts.
Project 3.3.2Canning A.D., Waltham N.J. (2021) Ecological impact assessment of climate change and habitat loss on wetland vertebrate assemblages of the Great Barrier Reef catchment and the influence of survey bias. Ecology and Evolution 2021;00:1–11.
Project 3.3.2Wallace, J., Waltham, N.J., 2021. On the potential for improving water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon using constructed wetlands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 170, p.112627.