7th-8th November 2018
Pullman Reef Hotel Casino
35-41 Wharf Street, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
The Innovative Nitrogen Use in Sugarcane Forum was about highlighting the work and research done on nitrogen which has a focus on sugarcane productivity, profitability and reef water quality.
The aim was to provide insightful discussion based on research being undertaken on the paddock, catchment, and reef. The forum included growers, scientists and industry in discussion and debate, with a focus on creative and collaborative problem solving. Outcomes are action focused which can support the Great Barrier Reef and sugarcane growers as these growers have “the skin in the game”.
The Sugar Research Australia (SRA) and CANEGROWERS component of the program brought together the last 5 years of work, spanning from the debate in 2013 on nitrogen and block yield potential, the 2014 nitrogen workshop in Townsville, to the culmination of a nitrogen roadmap and the SIX EASY STEPS toolbox.
The program also included presentations on recent Reef Science that further expands our knowledge of nitrogen’s effect on coral reef ecosystems, including the crown-of-thorns starfish and seagrass ecosystems. Presentations included research updates on nutrient management planning, Enhanced Efficiency Fertilisers, climate forecasting, catchment monitoring, crop breeding, processes to capture nitrogen on farm, market-based instruments to manage risk and behavioural science to enable change.