Implementation of the crown-of-thorns research strategy: Regional strategies
Project 3.1.2
Improving water quality for the Great Barrier Reef and wetlands by better managing irrigation in the sugarcane farming system
Project 3.1.3
Harnessing the science of social marketing in communication materials development and behaviour change for improved water quality in the GBR: a desktop review (Project 2.1.3 – Stage 2)
Project 3.1.4
Optimizing the management of riparian zones to improve the health of the Great Barrier Reef
Project 3.1.4
Final factsheet for Landholders
Project 3.1.4
Final factsheet for Policymakers
Project 3.1.5
Ecotoxicology of pesticides on the Great Barrier Reef for guideline development and risk assessments
Project 3.1.6
Exploring trading in water quality credits as a cost-effective approach for managing water quality in the Great Barrier Reef
Project 3.1.7
Reducing sediment loads to the Great Barrier Reef: developing optimal approaches for treating alluvial gully erosion
Project 3.1.8
Innovative economic levers: A system for underwriting risk of practice change in cane-farming
Project 3.2.1
Deriving ecologically relevant load targets to meet desired ecosystem condition for the Great Barrier Reef: A case study for seagrass meadows in the Burdekin region
Project 3.2.2
The IMS 2050 Human Dimensions Project: Cost-effective indicators and metrics for key GBRWHA human dimensions
Project 3.2.3
Monitoring aesthetic value of the Great Barrier Reef by using artificial intelligence to score photos and videos
Project 3.2.4
Defining, assessing and monitoring Great Barrier Reef aesthetics
Project 3.2.5
Testing and implementation of the water quality metric for the 2017 and 2018 reef report cards
Project 3.3.1
Quantifying the linkages between water quality and the thermal tolerance of GBR coral reefs
Project 3.3.2
Wetlands systems repair in the Great Barrier Reef catchments – scientific evaluation of project sites
Project 3.3.3
Characterising the values and connectivity of the northeast Australia marine area – Great Barrier Reef, Torres Strait, Coral Sea and Great Sandy Marine Park