Sediment sourced from gully erosion in Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchments represents a major threat to the health the reef. Gullies occur in all shapes and sizes, and while governments are currently investing much time, effort and funding into mapping them along the Queensland coast, this data is not broken down into different types of gullies. Different remediation techniques are effective for different gully types, so managers need detailed information on each gully before work can start. However, gathering this information usually needs to be done in the field, a process that consumes valuable time and effort. To tackle this problem, researchers working under the Tropical Water Quality Hub led by Associate Professor Andrew Brooks at Griffith University have proposed a gully classification framework based on multiple characteristics.The framework comes with detailed instructions for a trained technical officer to classify a gully, and will also establish a ‘gully database’ that will be made available through the NESP Tropical Water Quality Hub website and the eAtlas. The application of the classification to gullies mapped from the LIDAR data (work currently being undertaken in NESP TWQ Hub Project 5.10) will allow very accurate prioritization of gully remediation works.