The eAtlas is an online repository for information on northern Australia’s tropical and marine environments. The eAtlas, which is currently supported by the Tropical Water Quality (TWQ) Hub, hosts over 900GB of data including satellite imagery, mapping and large databases on subjects like water quality, species distribution, temperature change and much more. The majority of the information comes from NESP TWQ Hub outputs but the platform also hosts data from the Marine Monitoring Program and previous environmental research programs, the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility and the National Environmental Research Program Tropical Ecosystems Hub (the predecessor to the TWQ Hub) and can also take input from the other NESP Research Hubs. Dr Eric Lawrey at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) has administered the eAtlas since it was launched in 2010 under the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility and said it is well-utilized by researchers and the public alike. “In the last 90 days we have had over 24,000 unique visitors to the site, most of which are members of the public.” It hosts content from the North West Atlas and the Torres Strait Atlas as well as the Australian Marine Park Science Atlas, which was developed for Parks Australia.