Indigenous capacity building and increased participation in management of Queensland sea country
Led by: Melissa George, CSIRO / NAILSMA & Ro Hill, CSIRO
Project Summary
This project intends to facilitate targeted consultations with key individuals and institutions (i.e. Torres Strait Regional Authority, GBR TO’s and Land Councils, etc.) to seek feedback on the implementation of the NESP TWQ Hub Indigenous Engagement and Participation Strategy (IEPS). This will enable the evolution of a strong Implementation Strategy for the IEPS. A number of Indigenous community liaison officers (part-time) will be engaged to work at the local level to analyse, scope and prioritise Indigenous specific targets/actions identified within and arising from the 2050 LTSP and to inform future TWQ Hub research priorites (the Research Plan). The project will set the parameters for, and commence development of an Indigenous specific Implementation Strategy and investment framework for the future co-management of sea country.
Problem Statements
Traditional owners must play a key role and need a cohesive say in Reef policies and actions under the Long Term Sustainability Plan (LTSP). To date there has been a lack of Indigenous engagement in the development of the LTSP and the research agenda within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Through targeted community consultation this project will analyse, scope and prioritise the 2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan Indigenous targets to develop an Implementation Strategy and investment framework which will both guide LTSP implementation and inform the TWQ Hub research priorities.
How Research Addresses Problem
Historically there has been a disconnect between the aspirations of Traditional Owners and research priorities. This project will address this, by refocusing the research sector and the Research Plan, to meet community research aspirations.
Project Keywords
Indigenous; Sea country; Capacity building; Great Barrier Reef; Co-management.
Project Funding
This project is jointly funded through CSIRO, NAILSMA, JCU and the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Programme.