Round 3 in the fight for better water quality

The Tropical Water Quality Hub’s Research Plan 3 has been approved and features a wide range of projects aimed at better understanding and improving water quality in Australia’s tropical regions, particularly the Great Barrier Reef.

TWQ RP3 includes new projects on the regional implementation of the Crown of Thorns Starfish control program, exploring the viability of a tradeable water quality credits system and monitoring the aesthetic value of the Great Barrier Reef using artificial intelligence to score photos and videos.

RP3 also continues the TWQ Hub’s strong focus on Indigenous engagement and priorities set by the Minster for Environment and Energy, including understanding cumulative impacts and pressures, maximising species resilience and assisting in meeting Community Benefits targets under the Reef 2050 plan.

The full text of Research Plan 3 is available online and brief descriptions of all new projects funded can be found here.


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