
Central Queensland University (CQU) research is closely aligned with water quality issues and the natural environment in northern Australia. There is particular expertise in economics, water quality science, freshwater ecology, ecotoxicology, coastal ecosystems and social sciences. Researchers have focused on issues in the marine systems, as well as the agricultural-environmental interface which impacts on water quality draining into the Great Barrier Reef.

The expertise in resource economics translates community concerns about water quality and ecosystem health issues into policy settings, as well as linking ecosystem sciences and production issues together in bioeconomic models to identify opportunities for improved agricultural management to improve water quality. The expertise in freshwater science and ecology systems is relevant to a number of monitoring and restoration programs, as well as efforts to measure and report ecosystem health.

The location of CQU’s campuses place substantial research expertise in the central and southern regions of the Great Barrier Reef and associated catchments, providing linkages to industry and stakeholders in the regions. Researchers have strong and ongoing involvement with major ecosystem and water quality programs in the Gladstone Harbour, Fitzroy River and other coastal and catchment areas

Central Queensland University website